Trillion International Pte. Ltd. |
Our company, Trillion International Pte. Ltd. is established with a key focus on renewable energy and environmentally friendly green energy products. Our key product is our state-of-the-art Trillion gasifier, which converts biomass (such as rice husk, palm oil kernel shell, coconut husk, sugarcane pulp, wood chips etc.), to produce a gas known as producer gas, which is suitable to be fed into any diesel engine for bi-fuel operation. This will enable the diesel engine to use the producer gas as a fuel source, thus replacing part of the diesel fuel in the combustion process and in turn save up to between 50% to 85% on the diesel fuel consumption. In such an application, the engine will burn more cleanly and efficiently, thus giving an engine exhaust that is comparable to a gas engine. The exhaust will consist mainly of carbon dioxide and water vapour and is thus clean and environmentally friendly. Our Trillion gasifier can be used for powering generator sets, for engine driven water pumps or as a power drives for rice mills etc.
Today, our gasifiers are widely used in Myanmar with more than 600 units sold in the first 18 months of launching the product. Our customers include the Myanmar military government which uses our gasifiers in a mass implementation power generation project to power up the lightings for the villages in the military base, and some of the world leading palm oil plantation owners such as Astra Agro, Kencana and Sinarmas in Indonesia and Felda, Genting and IOI in Malaysia which uses palm kernel shells as biomass.